Is CrossFit for me?
Absolutely! CrossFit is for ALL levels of fitness and ALL ages. The program is universal for kids, teens, athletes, grandparents, and everyone in between.

Can I check out the gym first before committing to anything?  Yes! Come check us out for FREE! Email us or fill out our form so we can contact you and get something set up for you. Please check out our Coaches Page to learn more about the Endzone coaches. 

Do I need to get fit before starting CrossFit?
ABSOLUTELY NOT! CrossFit is designed for everyone from of ALL fitness levels ranging from professional athletes to people that have never worked out a day in their lives. We can scale every movement and every workout. Fitness, for every single one of us, is an ongoing pursuit. Whatever level you are at now, this is the perfect time to start CrossFit and improve yourself.

I have a preexisting injury. Can I still do CrossFit?
Yes, absolutely! We have had many clients who came to us with various ailments who have found relief by strengthening the muscles around the problem area. Every movement in CrossFit is scalable which allows anyone to take part, no matter if they have an injured area or not. Our coaches have extensive knowledge in helping our athletes work around injuries and scale movements accordingly. If you have any questions about an injury, please ask us how we can help you modify any movement.

Am I too old or too young to start CrossFit?
Because CrossFit uses natural, functional movements anybody can do it! You are never too old to start working out! Remember every workout is as hard as YOU make it and can always be scaled accordingly! When you come in and meet our members, you’ll immediately see the varying ages and fitness levels. We are all working together to improve our health and fitness.

How do I get started?

If you are new to CrossFit, we will have you go through our Fundamentals program. This program is designed to teach people the fundamental movements they will see in class. There are a total of 5 classes and the movements covered in these classes are: squats, deadlifts, overhead pressing, snatches, and cleans. There are no more than 3 people in these classes so each person can get the individual attention needed to understand the basics of each movement. After completing these classes, you will be ready to safely jump into our regular group classes and you will be able to hit the ground running. For those with a previous background in CrossFit, the Fundamentals classes are not required.

I’m ready to sign up! How do I sign up?

If you are new to CrossFit, you will need to sign up for the Lift Off to CrossFit program or contact us to get signed up. After those 2 sessions are completed, you move right into class and you get 1 month of unlimited classes. After that one month is over, then you can sign up for the monthly rate of $175 or you can move to any of the membership options we offer. If you are an experienced CrossFitter you can drop into a class or contact us to get started.

What can I expect on my first day?
We know CrossFit can be very intimidating to someone on their first day, so don’t worry, your first day will be focused on getting you use to our gym. You will be led through a warm up of basic movements, taught some new basic skills, and then given a workout in which the intensity will be completely personalized for you. If you feel confident in your fitness ability you can go as hard as you can, however if are not used to working out you will be encouraged to take it at your own pace.

Where do I park?

You can park anywhere in our parking lot. We do not have any designated spots.

Can I bring my children?
Yes! Many of our members bring their kids when they workout. We have a kids room that is visible from the gym floor where they can hang out. While class is going on we do ask that your kids stay in this room for their safety.

What’s a WOD?
It is the “Workout of the Day”. This workout could be a “named” workout, developed and described on the national site, however most of the time it will be a workout we have programmed here. Our programming is based on years of experience and the overall needs of our clientele. It is all part of the “constant variation” philosophy of CrossFit.