Getting Started

New to CrossFit?

We’re excited that you are ready to get started with CrossFit Endzone! For anyone new to CrossFit we have you start out with our Fundamentals Program. In five 1 hour sessions you will learn the fundamentals of CrossFit and Olympic Weightlifting (Snatch and Clean & Jerk). These sessions are designed to make you comfortable with the basic movements you will see in class. These movements are a starting point and you will have the opportunity to refine these movements as well as learn other skills as you go through your CrossFit journey. Our coaches are here to help so please talk with them if any of the movements you feel you need additional guidance on. 

There are a few ways to get started with us. You can come by our gym anytime to say hi, observe a class, meet our coaches, see our facility, and sign up for our Fundamentals Program. You can also email or call us for more information. We are ready and excited to give you the opportunity to see what Endzone is about, learn more about CrossFit, and meet our community and coaches. Whichever way is easiest for you, we’re looking forward to meeting you and introducing you to our CrossFit Endzone family!

For Experienced CrossFitters

We do not have a required course for the experienced CrossFitter, but we do encourage all of our new athletes to take the Fundamentals program. If you feel you are ready to take our standard classes you can try us out free for one class or go ahead and sign-up for a membership. The coaches will observe you in your first few training sessions and reserve the right to ask any athlete who may be moving unsafely to take the Fundamentals program.

Still have questions?

We're here for you! Please visit our FAQs page or feel free to email us at and we'll be happy to answer your questions.